Saturday, October 26, 2013

The streets of Dhaka

Every day when I travel to BSMMU (the hospital where I work), I spend about an hour and a half in traffic in total.  As I have a driver, this is a great time to observe the life on the street in Dhaka.  Traffic is pretty crazy, but I do occasionally drive myself.  Mostly only on Fridays when traffic is lighter.
Sitting in traffic.  Rickshaws try to out-maneouvre cars here all the time.

Bridge on my way to work.  One of the few roads without any traffic.

A whole truck full of garlic...Antoine this if for you! (although, they have not figured out how to make hummus yet)

Auto rickshaw (called CNG here) waiting in traffic beside my car. 

Generalized chaos at a round-about.

Zipping through the city in the early morning.

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