Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week One

I have been in Edmonton for a week now.  I have been working at the Stollery Children's Hospital.  The work is interesting and I have had lots of interesting discussions about palliative care and ethical issues with Dawn.

The city of Edmonton is another issue, it's very flat and bland.  Everything is very spread out.  I haven't yet had a chance to explore the city and I'm busy working on my research project.  I am hoping to visit a few of the highlight of the city over the next few weekends.

The weather is still hopeless.  We had another snowfall yesterday.  I am told that the weather will improve quickly once it does improve (whenever that may be).

Large atrium in the middle of the hospital, childrens' wards are on the 4th floor (where you can see the hanging decorations)

Cooking dinner with Judy. Pork tenderloin.

Judy creating a salad.

Our dinner!

Entrance to the hospital, walk through the rainbow!

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